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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  July 15, 2012 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. this morning -- heat wave part two. just days after that brutal heat dome paralyzed a huge swath of america, here it comes again, it's going to feel like 110 across parts of the midwest. and northeast. how long will it last this time? held hostage. two u.s. tourists kidnapped in broad daylight in egypt. their families back home pleading for their release. as one man is in need of life-saving medication. so, how will this play out. the final days of sage stallone. we're learning more this morning about the lonely and mysterious death of sylvester stallone's eldest son. including this discovery, that he was set to get married this weekend. and up, up and no way. the dreams of this daring duo
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came crashing to earth, but oh, what a ride, soaring high into the sky with nothing but a lawn chair and a whole lot of balloons. hey, good morning, america. good morning to you, dan. >> thank you. >> i can't believe it's already sunday. we're having fun on the weekend. >> indeed. >> we got a lot of news to get to this morning, including a search for a killer. they're trying to find the great white shark that killed a surfer and then went after his friends. that makes the fifth shark death in that country this year. that's a record. great white shark sightings are on the rise in this country. >> there's a very interesting answer to that question. we'll get to that coming up. and there's a mystery developing this morning in missouri.
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two women, half-sisters, have gone missing. the two children of one of these women have been found, abandoned in their cribs. alarming clues that point to a abduction. and imagine this -- you're at a bruce springsteen concert, you're having fun, it's a great time, then paul mccartney joins him on the stage. but the next thing you know, they're both singing "twist and shout." maybe the greatest concert and then guess what? someone turned off their mikes. on purpose. we have the video and we'll tell you why that happened coming up. >> the technical term in the industry is buzz kill. speaking of buzzkill, we'll start this morning with the return of the dreaded heat dome some of the heavily populated areas in america are about to get hit with more triple-digit misery. brian monahan is in for ginger this morning. brian, good morning to you. >> good sunday morning. it's baking in the central part of the country. we talked about this yesterday. 104 yesterday in, rapid city. you get to 102 today. pierre, south dakota, you're at 102. this heat dome is expanding to the east.
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remember all of that heat that we dealt with a week or so ago? chicago, by monday, 97, mid-90s in the midwest for st. louis. how about new york city? washington making a run at triple-digit heat as we make our way toward the middle of the week. this heat blast isn't going to last long. but many spots, bianna, it's going to feel like over 100 degrees through at least wednesday. >> not again, brian, all right, thank you. we turn now to that terrifying overseas hostage situation. two americans kidnapped in egypt are being held for ransom in egypt. new details this morning, one of the hostages needs life-saving medication. abc's david kerley is following a tense hostage drama from washington and has the latest. >> reporter: good morning. real fear for these two american families, knowing that their loved ones were pulled off a tourist bus. at gun point and are now being held hostage in the middle of si, nai desert. he's a boston minister who's trying to restep the steps of
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jesus. this morning, reverend michael lewis along with 39-year-old boston woman and ae jipgs tour guide are being held hostage. >> right now, we're right in s distre distress. >> we need to find him. >> reporter: this religious family are nervous. >> put our hands together to pray and to help bring our pastor back. >> reporter: a bedouin pulled the three off the bus. they're very nervous. >> the only concern we have at the moment is that he's diabetic and the longer they hold him, i want to assume that it's not going to work in his favor. >> reporter: what's remarkable is that the kidnapper in an interview said that he took the americans to secure the release of his uncle, an uncle taken into custody for refusing to pay
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$100 in a bribe to police officers at a checkpoint. the standoff was under way as secretary of state hillary clinton was visiting the area. but it's a revolution that's left the egyptian military having no control in large areas of the country. allowing these kidnappings and the anguish for the families worried about their loved ones. >> we're all in good spirits because we know that the god that we serve is in control of the matter. >> there is some good news this morning, we're told that the kidnapper told a reporter that the pastor and the woman are doing fine and usually these kind of kidnappings have a happy ending. but we're still very tense and very worrying moments for that family in boston. back to you guys. >> david, thank you. let's get it over to ron claiborne now for a look at the news breaking overnight. ron, a lot going on.
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>> i got in a little bit late here. i'm catching up. good morning, everyone. a wildfire burning in northern california since last wednesday has claimed its first home and is now a threat to dozen of other houses. hot weather and rugged terrain is making it difficult to contain the fire. nine firefighters have been injured fighting that blaze. officials are worried that the fire could jump the american river and destroy a community of 1500. found a body near where an ohio woman disappeared, investigators are trying to identify that body, 20 miles from where lynn jackenheimer disappeared with her ex-boyfriend and their two children. the brother of the former boyfriend said that he confessed to him that he killed jackenheimer. he's been on the run ever since. and one of the most wanted fugitives have been caught in cancun, mexico, vincent legrend
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walters had been on the run for 24 years, he's wanted in san diego for the 1988 slaying of a woman. and another night out for katie holmes, as she adjusts to single life. holmes took 6-year-old daughter suri shopping at a pet store. 245i didn't leave with any pets, but they left with a trail of paparazzi. holmes and actor tom cruise reached a divorce settlement last week. and finally, who would turn off the mikes? the mikes of bruce springsteen and legendary paul mccartney, the answer is a local london councilman who cut the power off in hyde park in london, the beatle legends joined him. they finally figured it out, they pretended to finish the song. apparently they ran out of time. so, them off. so, cut them off. >> cold. wow.
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>> next time he runs for re-election he's in trouble. >> he is. >> he's in hiding. ron, thank you very much. we got new details this morning on kerry kennedy, the daughter of rfk, reportedly has no memory of her collision with a tractor-trailer, this incident is raising fresh questions about the sleeping pill ambien. which kennedy told police she had taken. abc's diane perez is on the story. diana, good morning to you. >> reporter: even more new information is now coming out, sources are telling "the new york post" this morning that kerry kennedy's family that she may have had a seizure, another theory about what happened leading up to that accident. questions are swirling this morning in the wake of kerry kennedy's arrest after possibly ambien-fuelled hit and run. she told police that she had take on the sleeping before she got behind the wheel. sideswiping a tractor-trailer,
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leaving the scene, perhaps not even aware of what she was doing. it all happened here, friday morning, north of new york city, police said kennedy admitted to taking ambien which contradicts a statement from her publicist. but these may not be contradictions at all. >> ambien has a short half life, by the time that she went to the hospital and by the time her blood was analyzed, the blood could have disappeared from her system. >> reporter: details of friday accident, the public image who for a doctoring that's supposed to help you sleep it's amazing how active you can be and not even know it. there are numerous claims of sleep driving. a woman learned that she was sleep cooking, even fried an egg. another woman woke up and found that she wasn't even home.
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>> people are in disassociated state. they can do things and not remember. >> reporter: kerry kennedy's cousin admitted to taking ambien before crashing his car near capitol hill. she's back in court tuesday where it could go either way. >> i seriously dealt that she'll be looking at any jail. >> now, the results of kerry kennedy's toxicologies are still pending. legal analysts say whatever those results can play a big role in her defense. >> this is a scary drug in at -- a lot of ways. >> diana, thank you very much. dan, we'll turn now for the race for the white house. it's your voice, your vote. mitt romney is coming under pressure to release his tax returns. but this time, the call to release tax returns is coming from his own party, robert bentley said quote, if
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you have things to hide, then maybe you're doing things wrong. we're joined by host of "this week" george stephanopoulos. safe to say this wasn't a good week for mitt romney. for someone to go within his own party to be more forthcoming. >> it's pretty tough. governor bentley came out with another statement that he said that romney didn't do anything wrong. that he should release those tax returns. second republican to say that this week. no question increasing the pressure on romney to do that. i talked to the romney campaign late this week, they're holding firm so far, they're saying that he'll release his tax returns from 2011 probably sometime in september. they're going to draw the line there, you can bet the obama campaign and all of his allies aren't going to give this up. >> that begs the question, is this tactic working, focusing on his past opposed to a weak economy now. >> so far it seems to be working for the obama campaign. they spent about $700 million in ads so far. 75% of those ads are focused on mitt romney's record.
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and when you look at the polling in those states right now, by 2 to 1, voters have a negative image of romney's record in the private sector. the whole strat i have right now is trying to disqualify romney in the eyes of voters before those conventions. >> quickly, another week, another name for vp, condi rice. what are the odds? >> big week for condi rice in the drudge report. i would be shocked to see it. i know that peggy nowman wants to see it. because she's pro-choice. >> it has a lot of people talking. we'll know in the next few weeks. all right, george, thank you. join george later on this "this week." when he speaks to chicago mayor rahm emanuel and potential vice presidential nominee kelly ayotte. this is turning out to be the summer of animal attack. we had incidents involving alligators, coyotes and even raccoons.
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and this morning, a massive hunt is on for a 15-foot great white shark that killed a suffer in australia. abc's john muller is covering the story. >> reporter: all right, dan, surfers and sharks always had an uneasy relationship. nowhere is more it more dangero than off the coast of australia. this year is like no other one on record. the latest victim, the fifth killed by a shark down under this year. surfing was his soul according to his girlfriend. he became the fifth victim to die off of the country's beaches. the deadliest period on record this year. now helicopters and boats are scouring the waters for his remains and the 15-foot great white shark that killed him in a lightning-fast strike. matt holmes witnessed everything. >> it came out of the water, like it was eating seal.
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there was just blood everywhere and the massive, massive shark. circling the body. >> reporter: just a few days ago in the same waters, two spear fisherman encountered this great white, they prodded the shark for tenter mying minutes and made it to safety. it's not just australia. this week in cape cod, a dramatic picture of a shark hot on the heels of a kayaker. so, are there more sharks in the water? surprisingly, experts say just the opposite. shark populations have been decimated over the last three decades. the problem isn't more sharks, it's more people. >> the reason we're getting more reports might be that we simply have more people in the water so we have more observers to report these sightings. not that we have more sharks. >> reporter: back in australia
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where they average one shark related fatality a year, five are dead in less than a year. they have closed this beach. they're hoping to catch the killer great white that's still out there. no consolation to the loved ones coping with the loss of a young man who went surfing and never came back. now, to put it in perspective, deadly shark attacks are extremely rare. at the same time, more than 16 in the u.s., ten people have died in the last decade, one per year. americans have died just tunnelling in the sand. bottom line, the expert said don't be afraid of going into the water but be observant. guys? >> that's really good perspective. and that the shark population is actually going down, not up, john, thanks for your report. >> appreciate it. we have a consumer alert to bring you this morning, a giant counterfeit coupon ring has been busted. three women have been arrested
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for operating what police said was its first of its kind multimillion-dollar scam. ron is back with details on this story, good morning, ron. >> bianna, just a few years ago, this was virtually unknown and now it's a rampant occurrence across the country. sold online to save money shopping. but this new style of fraud is costing productmakers hundreds of millions of dollars. when police in arizona raided this house they hit the jackpot. >> we found high-value cars, like a camaro, cadillac. we found a huge speedboat. >> reporter: and they found more. the alleged source of all of these riches, these paper counterfeit shopping coupons, all fakes. worth $25 million to $30 million. >> this is the largest counterfeit coupon arrest that has occurred in the industry. >> reporter: police said that this alleged ring of counterfeiters was headed by this woman.
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>> this woman profited approximately $2.2 million. >> reporter: phoney discount coupons like these are flooding the country. the arizona ring was accused of selling counterfeit coupons on this website they're believed to have been mass produced outside of the usa. the alleged arizona counterfeiters have plenty of imitators. in 2008, nestle purina issued 250 coupons, each good for a free bag of dog food. but more than 2700 were redeemed. co-can cola has to pulled a cue poon because of widespread counterfeiting. >> the manufacturers lose in this situation because they ultimately end up paying for these counterfeit coupons. >> reporter: you don't have to be a savvy shopper to know when it's a scam, real coupons are given away. they are never sold.
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and there are other signs, fake coupons usually don't have bar codes on them. they don't have expiration dates on them, unlike the real ones, check to see if there's a contact number for the store or manufacturer. for anyone thinking, i'll use the faked ones, the person who uses them could be held criminally liable. by the way, the families of two of these three women arrested in arizona insists that their families had nothing to do. >> all right, some good tips that you gave. time now for the weather and brian monahan from our orlando affiliate eyewitness news 9. who's in for ginger zee who's on vacation. >> dan and bianna, good morning. wild weather, active weather yesterday, on two sides on the country. we'll start in lake havaus, arizona, out on the west coast, monsoonal rain bringing this. 3 to 5 inches of rain falling. unfortunately, one death reported.
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no injuries from this, we take you to the east coast now, this is accomack county in southern virginia, you can see that tornado out there in the center part of your screen. no major damage from that. for today, still tracking potential for some flooding rain across the western part of the country. phoenix, though, you're hot. 98 degrees today. we talked about the heat in the middle part of the country. we have a chance of showers and storms into cloudy, warm and humid this morning. shot at annapolis. in the 70's. rain activity is dissipating. we have an unstable air. it looks like showers and thunderstorms a possibility. the temperatures can feel like the low 80's. 90-94 and scatt >> coming up in our next
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half-hour, we also have video from that solar flare, the northern lights really pretty last night. >> thank you, sir. everybody needs a hobby, brian for example loves the weather. some people on the other hand like to tie lawn chairs up against giant bouquets of party balloons. >> they were hoping to use the technique to fly into the guinness book of world records. this weekend. traveling from oregon to montana. but there was a surprise ending. and abc's clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: it was a terrifying end to a risky trip. kent couch and his co-pilot came crashing down to earth in post-oregon last night and so did their dream of floating into the record books on two lawn chairs and 350 helium balloons. >> i'm relieved to be on the ground. quite disappointed that this storm got ahold of us.
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>> here's what it looked like to them. a rapid descent. they began losing balloons late saturday and then thunderstorms threatened and winds failed to cooperate. they were pelted by hail. >> oh, incredibly chaotic. mixed up. thrashing. nothing like i have experienced in the past. >> reporter: they crash-landed after about six hours. and only 30 miles from where they started. only to watch their stubborn contraption to take flight again without them. liftoff was yesterday in bend, oregon, they were headed for montana, packing parachutes, satellite phones, oxygen and even a redrider bb gun like the one from the christmas story. >> you'll shoot your eye out, kid. >> reporter: turned out they needed it. couch used the rifle to bring the craft down. you can see him shooting the balloons one by one.
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couch they're already planning their next flight, over iraq, raising awareness of orphans in the country. >> i would do it for the cause for iraq. >> reporter: for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> i bet they'll get it next time. >> would you do it? >> no. but i do admire that people are so adventurous. all right. >> i wouldn't do it, either. coming up on "good morning america" -- the strange last days of sage stallone, new details in the mysterious death of sylvester stallone's son. and the mystery in missouri, two women missing and two children found abandoned in their crib. a desperate plea from a desperate father as police are starting to sift through some really alarming clues. we'll have a full report on this case coming up. >> that's a scary story. plus, is it possible for our
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very own dan harris go viral? can this video of hovercat help him do that? i think so. we'll dive into the science of how something goes viral. that's dan and his hovercat. one of our favorite videos of the day. keep it here. ( telephone rings ) hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! they claim to be complete.
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only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. so we use new coppertone wet 'n clear. it sprays clear on wet skin while most sprays go on white 'n messy. we get broad spectrum protection when we splish 'n splash with new coppertone wet 'n clear. coppertone. embrace the sun. but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel. i don'what makes me feel he things truly decadent?my diet. [announcer:] new revlon colorstay whipped crème makeup.
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its unique formula flexes with skin for a flawless finish. the feel of nothing but silk on my skin. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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[ female announcer ] every woman who believes decisions s about our bodi and our health care should be our own is tubled mitt romney supports overturning roe versus wade. romney backed a law that outlaws all abortion -- even in cases of rape and incest. and that's not all. i'll cut o off funding to planned parenthood. [ female announcer ] for women, planned parenthood m means life-saving cancer screenings and family-planning services. but, for mitt romney... planned parenthood. we're going to get rid of that. hd, this is an news update. >> good morning. in the news, police are overnighting an robbery that turned deadly. it happened on oak street.
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the suspect demanded the victims car and lay onr the ground. the driver accidentally drove over a man who was on the ground front of the car. here is your forecast. >> it ready for a day that is humid. 77 in alexandria. making it feel like it is in the 80's. >> thank you. thank you for watching. >> thank you. when the president was elected, he talked about hope and change.
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whatever happened to hope and change? now it seems he's just coming right out of the box with these old-fashioned, negativs.e ads. by starting negative, by going extremely tough and extremely hard, looking conventional, and frankly running ads that are inaccurate. barack obama's campaign and allies will run more negative ads against this republican nominee in 2012 than have ever been run in the history of the world.
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whatever happened to hope and change? [ romney ] i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. ♪ brilliant television we're watching right now. that is the video that may make our very own dan harris an internet star. you're already a star, dan. can he and the hovercat hit 1 million hits? we're trying. we'll also show you the fascinating science about how something goes viral. good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. we're getting so close to that 1 million. >> i have to say, i was really skeptical when the guys came from the ad company came to me, but it really worked. we'll show you how they did it coming up. also coming up -- what happens when a adult tries to go up a child's water slide. nothing good. we'll show you.
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we're going to show you how this one ends and it's actually a little bit funny in "fixation" this morning. also, this morning, the mystery in missouri, the two half-sisters who missing. we'll hear from their emotional father coming up later in the show. but we'll start, though, with the new details coming out on the death of sylvester stallone's son, we know now that 36-year-old sage stallone was considered a recluse and he may have been dead for days before anybody knew it. we also know that he also was set to get married. abc's john schiffen has more. these two details are somewhat contradictory. >> dan, good morning to you. we're learning more about the mysterious life of sage stallone. those of you knew him said, he wasn't your typical hollywood star. but just hours away from his wedding he turned up dead. it was supposed to be one of the biggest weekends of his young
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life. we have now learned that 36-year-old sage stallone, son of hollywood icon sylvester stallone, was scheduled to get married to his longtime girlfriend this weekend in las vegas. instead of celebrating, the stallone family is now mourning. trying to figure out how the child actor who played rocky balboa's son in rocky v -- >> i'm not scared, really. >> reporter: -- turned up dead in his home. >> he didn't have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. so, we all think it was some sort of tragic accident. >> reporter: friday morning, police and the housekeeper found his body. no signs of foul play or a suicide note. prescription pills were found in the home. but there's still no official cause of death. stallone is believed to have been in his bed for days. possibly, even a week, before anyone knew that wsomething was wrong. reports say that photos were updated on his facebook page less than 24 hours before his body was found.
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>> he was so private about his personal life. this is not someone any followed. this is someone, sadly a lot of people forgotten about. >> reporter: stallone family attorney said that sly's oldest son wasn't depressed but instead a creative genius, often secluding himself to write screen plays. trying to follow in his father's footsteps. he turned his attention to life behind the camera. >> he had a lot of bright things on the horizon, he was talking about pictures that he wanted to direct and write and ideas that he wanted to go forward. >> and the autopsy results are expected to come back on wednesday. right now, no word on when the funeral is scheduled. we have yet to hear from the bride to be on his death. we're going to turn to another mystery the case out of missouri which is baffling police, two young women,
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sisters, just vanished. police are back out this morning searching for them, but their family is convinced that something more sinister, possibly an an abduction happened. >> one of the woman was 19 years old and the other was 22 years old. step-sisters. they were last seen at home. they now leave behind two young children of one of the women. police say it looks like some kind of foul play. >> when you're on the road, just look in the next car. >> reporter: a desperate plea from a desperate father. his daughter britny haarup missing and her step-sister ashley key also missing. the two were last seen tuesday morning. the two children were found home alone. the fiance ran to neighbors and said that there was blood inside the house. >> i can't make any comment as to foul play or not at this point. obviously it's unusual circumstances with the mothers disappearing.
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>> reporter: later, white pickup belonging to the father of her fiance was found, abandoned, miles from the home. >> now that that's been found, we don't know what we're looking for. we don't know who we're looking for. >> reporter: the purses of both women and britny's cell phone were found inside the house, but bed sheets in the home were reportedly missing. the family of the missing women now desperate for answers. >> she's a very good mother. she would never leave her kids alo alone, at home, especially for that amount of time. >> reporter: several dozens of family members held a vigil where they live. as of now, still no sign of where they are and very few clues for police to work with. it does not look very good right now. back to you. >> all right, ron, thank you. we'll turn now to brian monahan from our orlando affiliate eyewitness news 9. who's in for a vacationing ginger zee. we're starting this morning with lots of heat across the
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middle part of the country. we'll talk about that in a second. first, we talked about that solar flare yesterday, here are the results, the pictures of the northern lights. this is from you can see those pretty flashes of light. pretty far south because of that energy moving into the atmosphere. this video from missouri. we shift our attention to the flooding across the west. we had flooding video at the to which broadcast and we'll see that monsoonal rain up into the northwestern parts of the country. there were thunderstorms yesterday in the seattle area. we'll keep the heat and the thunderstorms in the forecast. atlanta, back through new orleans, >> hazy, hot, and humid. 90-94. temperatures tomorrow >> and this weather report has
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been brought to you by mercedes-benz. bianna and dan? >> are you excited about dan going viral? >> i am. i combined your two names. >> i liked that. >> i'm more excited about vire going viral. that's coming up next, hovercat takes over the internet. see what dan harris' feline cats are doing for other cats. taking the plunge, gearing up for a big dive. this could be his olympic moment or will it be another epic fail? i sort of dread seeing how this one plays out. keep it here, that's coming up in "fixation." one plays out. keep it here, that's coming up in "fixation." . this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered
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mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st. gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you, i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth! now there's a new way to help put bedwettto bed.strations... with new goodnites bed mats, take the goodnites better night test. just place, peel, and protect. and see how goodnites bed mats can help. use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park.
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maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat.
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twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge!
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regular viewers may remember a few weeks ago we did the world debut of a video that we hoped that would go viral. here it is, it features me and a flying cat named george. it's an ad for the aspca, this morning, we wanted to reveal the results and the backstory that we never told you about. check it out. going viral, from david after the dentist -- >> is this real life? >> reporter: -- to the old spice guy. >> swan dive.
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>> reporter: virality is our highest attainment right now. companies will pay millions to make it happen. but how does it work? i got a rare look inside when i was approached by these guys from an advertising company, a few months ago, they came to me with a big promise -- >> make dan harris go viral. and that's basically what we're going to do. >> reporter: we had a series of strategy sessions where they pitched me ideas for videos. most of which would have ended my journalism career. >> dan harris, cat freak. >> finally we decided it would be safer to make the video a public service announcement for one of my favorite charities, the aspca. and so one day, last february we went to a studio in new york. >> and action, dan. >> reporter: to shoot a video called hovercat, with a trained cat named george. >> he's ready to be a star. >> reporter: george and i shot our scenes. >> we'll do a couple more of these. i promise. then we're done. >> reporter: then they had george jump up and down in front
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of a bank of cameras to make it look like he was flying. this is the same way they made those fight scenes from the matrix. a few weeks later the mechanism crew e-mailed me the hovercat video. ♪ >> reporter: in it, you see me in what's supposed to be my apartment, taking a final sip of coffee before work and then leaving, that is when george takes off, flying in the foyer, levitating in the living room, taking a quick break for a snack and then bouncing on the bed before falling into my arms when i come back home. and finally, the kicker, this brilliant tag line, "millions of viral videos waiting to be adopted." >> i love it. i love it. >> reporter: but now, they had to make it go viral. >> this is our framework for engineering things to go viral. >> reporter: their strategy hinges on influencers.
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people with big internet audiences who might be receptive to a flying cat. on june 10th, the plan went into action. hovercats debuted on sunday's "good morning america." 24 hours later, the influencers got into the mix. a technology reporter and a cat lover tweeted hovercat out to her 150,000 followers. six days later, another site posted the video, hovercat was up to nearly 300,000 views. that's when they started pushing it to nonanimal sites like mashable and from there, it went mainstream, usa today, l.a. times, huffington post. even the british newspaper "the sun." by day four, hovercat had 500,000 hits. so where is it now? total number right now is
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882,419. we're trying to get it over 1 million. that's our goal. head to our facebook, gma on facebook and like it, or watch it, do anything, i'm not totally tech savvy. watch it. watch it. to get it over 1 million. it was a very cool experience. >> that's great. george the cat is adorable you're a star, too. i would say mission accomplished on that one, dan. coming up on "good morning america" -- "fixation," that's an adult trying to go up a children's water slide. um -- >> not a happy ending. >> yeah. we'll be back with the latest coming up. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen
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m ♪
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♪ ♪ you're my obsession all right, it's time for "fixation," where we show you ridiculous stuff. bianna, you go first. >> speaking from experience, there's no one more independent than a russian grandmother. my grandmother is very independent. there's a grand mother that we found in russia, she's crossing the streets, people come to help her and take a look at how she responds. >> i think she broke fcc rules in russian. all right, brian, what do you got there? >> i like that. summertime, we think about the docks, being at the lake the beach, maybe you do some fun things, some diving. some dock diving, check out this gentleman here, i think he's going to get it, i think so. no. we think he's okay. we believe he's okay. but don't sign him up for the summer olympics in london.
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>> ron? >> we love animal stories here. this is my favorite animal video probably in the last century or so. this is really cool, isn't it? it feels like it today. a couple of dogs pulling some older, senior dogs, in a stroller, isn't that heartwarming? >> yes. >> i got an idea, why don't they take the older dogs out of the stroller and walk. too tiring. >> all right, cautionary tale from the water park, this is what happens when a grown-up gets on a slide that's designed for children, take a look, everything's going well, everything's going well, she's moving her way up and then she falls. yeah, it's a little bit of a mess. can we show that in slow motion as we go to break? okay. we'll be back with more "good morning america." keep it here. more "good morning america." keep it here. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair.
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bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you, i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth!
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whatever happened to hopend change? now it seems he's just coming right out of the box with these old-fashioned, negative ad by starting negative, by going extremely tough and extremely hard, looking conventional, and frankly running ads that are inaccurate. barack obama's campaign and allies will run more negative ads against this republican nominee in 2012 than have ever been run in the history of the world. whatever happened to hope and change? [ romney ] i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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we want to thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at "good morning america" on yahoo!. we want to thank brian for coming in. just because you were here, we're going to exit the show with your "fixation." >> we officially want to wish you a day better than this dude's day. >> oh, ouch. >> see you later, everybody. >> see you later, everybody. is anlive and in jf. this abc 7 news update. >> service has been restored to all metro trains after a glitch shutdown trains yesterday afternoon. metro rider were stranded for
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hour while the transit rebooted the system. replace trainsl bradagan road and pentagon city. the reagan national and crystal city stations will be closed. and now here is dave with your forecast. >> on this sunday morning, it is warm and humid. this is a live shot on the boardwalk. what are temperatures like down beach?t the is 78. the dewpoints on our satellite, you can see no activity.
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we could have a repeat afternoon. this to the skies. and perjures 90-94. winds will be out of the southwest. heat index near 100. tuesday and wednesday, actual near the century mark. >> looking forward to that. thanks for watching. you have a great morning. thanks for watching. you i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves grain, oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood...
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